January 6

Carl Sandburg was born today in 1878.

Today is the "traditional" birthday of Sherlock Holmes! in 1854.

Today's exotic dish suggestion from the 365 Foreign Dishes, published in 1908, is Scottish Scones. The luncheon suggestion for today from 365 Luncheon Dishes (from 1902) is Scotch Collops – quite gourmet sounding: You take thin slices of leftover meat, dust them with nutmeg and red pepper, saute them a little, then put them on a dish and make a sauce in the same pan with flour, anchovies, lemon juice and peel, cream, and sherry, then you pour that over the meat and garnish with lemon slices and parsley!

January 5

The luncheon suggestion for today from 365 Luncheon Dishes (from 1902) is Cheese Ramequins (a generous amount of cheese mixed with eggs and milk and baked).

January 4

Jakob Grimm of the original Grimm brothers was born today in 1785.
some German stamps sporting Grimm stories' illustrations

It's national Spaghetti Day! Speaking of another European country, the luncheon suggestion for today from 365 Luncheon Dishes (from 1902) is a French Omelet (a simple omelet garnished with parsley).

January 3

Lots of geniuses to celebrate today! My favorite author ever was born today in 1892: JRR Tolkien.

Oscar Wilde was asked at customs in New York today in 1882 if he had anything to declare and he replied, "Nothing but my genius."

Another favorite author of mine, the brilliant Barbara Ann Kipfer, Ph.D., has a lovely book 365 Days of Savoring: Things to Be Happy About in 2011: for today (well, in 2011) she lists
whole grain pasta
pleasure reading at bedtime
magic 8-ball answers
You can get a free sample of this book for Kindle. I'll be giving a few more snippets this month from it...
Update for 2012! Dr. Kipfer has a 2012 edition you can preview through

January 2

Happy national Cream Puff Day!

One of my favorite authors and thinkers, Isaac Asimov, was born today in 1920. Perhaps I'll read a short story by him today, or re-watch the movie I, Robot based on his writing...

January 1

 A very good new year to you!

It's national Bloody Mary Day! The menu suggestion for a fancy dinner this week from 52 Sunday Dinners from 1913 is very elaborate! and sounds delicious! How in the world did they get mangoes in January?

Oysters on the Half Shell
Salted Nuts

Consomme Duchess with Imperial Sticks (the latter is just buttered toast in 1/3" strips)

Crab Meat in Timbale Cases

Roasted Goose with Potato and Walnut Stuffing
Chantilly Applesauce with Horseradish
Onions au Gratin
Endive, Celery, and Green and Red Pepper Salad

Vanilla Ice Cream with Chocolate Sauce
Coconut Cake Cubes
Chocolate Walnut Cake

Raisins and Nuts
Roquefort Cheese with Water Biscuits
Café Noir

People born today include Paul Revere in 1735; Betsy Ross in 1752; and EM Forster in 1879; it's also the marriage day of James Fenimore Cooper in 1811.

December 31

Two people I admire very much were born today: Diane von Furstenburg, such a nice designer. My favorite dress I own is by her, a delightful sheath in perfect colors. You can check out her latest tweets at http://www.dvf.com -- it's fun!

...and the much-lamented John Denver whose music I hear so often.

Wishing you a fun evening and a great year ahead.

December 30

Rudyard Kipling was born today in 1865, and there's a Raffles Suite in his honor. Here's a picture of a generic but nice suite in that marvelous hotel (I know I'm repeating a picture here though...)

The luncheon suggestion for today from 365 Luncheon Dishes (from 1902) is an interesting-sounding Cheese Pudding which is flavored with a curry powder as well as thyme and parsley.

Today's so-called exotic dish suggestion from the 365 Foreign Dishes, published in 1908, is what they call Hungarian Spice Cakes, which sound to me like spiced cookies; they suggest you serve them with wine.

December 29

Looking ahead to next year...and other years...I'd love an amazing cookbook that gave me ideas for fabulous, not-too-difficult meals for every meal and snack, every day of the year. I have cookbooks and sites in the sidebar that help make up for such a book's not yet existing. (Yes, there indeed are 365-day cookbooks, but none suit my taste or those that do don't cover all the meals.) I did used to enjoy the old edition of The Modern Family Cookbook by Meta Given which did give a menu for every meal for every day; its later editions (like 1961) made it for just one week out of every month. It was the 1942 edition I used to consult; the pages went down every edition starting in the 1950s:

Perhaps you'd be interested in the January week, which I find fun out of nostalgia and historic reasons; I've kept in her tips for families with little children:

Orange Juice
Rolled Oats with Thin Cream
Toast with Butter, Jelly
Coffee for Adults Milk for Children

 Cream of Navy Bean Soup*
*Navy Bean Soup is best for children when strained.
Hot Corn bread and butter
Raw Apples
Tea for Adults Milk for Children

Poached Eggs on Beef Hash
Baked Acorn Squash
Head Lettuce, French Dressing
Bread and butter
Whipped Strawberry Gelatine
Vanilla Crisps
Coffee for Adults Milk for Children

½ Grapefruit
Hot Whole Wheat Cereal with Thin Cream
Cinnamon Toast
Coffee for Adults Milk for Children

Spinach Chowder
Toasted Cheese Sandwiches
Fresh or Canned Pears
Tea for Adults Milk for Children

Curried Lamb
Baked Potatoes
Buttered Parsley Carrots
Stuffed Prune Salad
Bread and Butter
Pumpkin Custard
Coffee for Adults Milk for Children

Freshly Sliced Oranges
Poached Eggs on Toast
Coffee for Adults Milk for Children

Tomato Rarebit
Shredded Cabbage and Celery Salad
Sliced Bananas with Thin Cream
Tea for Adults Milk for Children

Pan-Fried Liver
Mashed Potatoes
Green Onions
Creamed Peas
Whole Wheat Bread and Butter
Butterscotch Pudding
Coffee for Adults Milk for Children

Grapefruit Juice
Hot Rice with Brown Sugar and Thin Cream
Whole Wheat Toast with Butter
Coffee for Adults Cocoa for Children

Baked Beans
Boston Brown Bread
Pickles and Celery
Stewed Apricots
Cocoa for all

Escalloped Potatoes and Ham
Buttered Onions
Grated Carrot and Raisin Salad
Apple Dumplings
Coffee for Adults Milk for Children
Grapefruit Juice
Scrambled Eggs
Whole Wheat Toast and Butter
Coffee for Adults Cocoa for Children

Spicy Bread Crumb Griddle Cakes, Syrup
Pork Sausage Patties
Grape Tapioca
Tea for Adults Milk for Children

Veal a la King
American Fried Potatoes
Buttered Spinach
Olives and Radishes
Bread and Butter
Coffee for Adults Milk for Children

Whole Wheat Muffins with butter
Fried Sliced Luncheon Meat
Coffee for Adults Milk for Children

Macaroni with Cheese Sauce
Stewed Tomatoes
Celery Cabbage, Raw
Bread and Butter
Tea for Adults Milk for Children

Quick-baked Pike
Parsley Buttered Potatoes
Green Beans with Onions
Bread and Butter
Peach Salad
Cocoa Puff
Coffee for Adults Milk for Children

Grapefruit Halves
Prepared Cereal with Thin Cream
Toast with Butter
Coffee for Adults Cocoa for Children

Baked Ham Slice
Baked Sweet Potatoes
Buttered Brussels Sprouts
Bread and Butter
Crabapple Pickles
Dried Fruit Whip
Coffee for Adults Milk for Children

Molded Vegetable Salad
Bacon Muffins with Butter
Cocoa for all

December 28

There are some wonderful French bistros of course -- but did you know there are also some cool French bistro sites. Check out...

December 27

What a day for science! Louis Pasteur was born today in 1822 and Johannes Kepler in 1571.

In a very different sphere, unless I suppose one enjoys experimenting with them, it's also national Fruitcake Day. Speaking of fruit and cakey items, the luncheon suggestion for today from 365 Luncheon Dishes (from 1902) is Apple Griddlecakes, in which you stir finely chopped apples into your favorite pancake batter.

December 26

The luncheon suggestion for today from 365 Luncheon Dishes (from 1902) is an Oyster Stew that sounds just like what my grandmother used to make around Christmas: cooked oysters, milk, butter, and pepper, served with "small crackers," though they also serve it with celery.

December 25

Holidays today include
Christmas & 
The Company of the Ring Begins Its Quest from Rivendell

The menu suggestion for a fancy dinner this week from 52 Sunday Dinners from 1913 they say would be great for Christmas day:
Oyster Cocktails (a lot like shrimp cocktails)

Cream of Almond Soup en Tasse
Bread Sticks
Ripe Olives

Ducks with Walnut Stuffing
Olive Sauce
Glazed Sweet Potatoes
"Thorn" Apples (cooked cored apples filled with quince jelly and toasted slivered almonds)
Hawaiian Salad (canned pineapple! with lettuce, grapes, walnuts, candied cherries, and topped with a vinegrette seasoned with paprika, tarragon, and lemon)

Plum Pudding  with Brandy Sauce
Chocolate Cake
Bon Bons
Nuts and Raisins

Café Noir
Water Biscuits

Clara Barton was born today in 1821.

Have a lovely day! One of my favorite old Christmasy pictures:

December 24

Ava Gardner was born today in 1922; there's a Raffles Suite for her in honor of when she was there when in Singapore for a premiere. Here's I believe a generic picture of a nice suite at Raffles:

Of course it's national Egg Nog Day! The luncheon suggestion for today from 365 Luncheon Dishes (from 1902) is another Sweet Potato Pone like we saw on December 3; this version is flavored with ginger, candied orange peel, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and molasses. They remark, "This recipe is said to be over 200 years old," which makes it over 300 years old now.

December 23

From Lucy Maud Montgomery's inimitable Anne:

Perhaps after a while I'll get used to it, but I'm afraid concerts spoil people for everyday life....I simply couldn't sleep last night for ever so long. I just lay awake and imagined the concert over and over again. That's one splendid thing about such affairs -- it's so lovely to look back to them.