September 27

Happy birthday to Gwyneth Paltrow! I love your work! You even do cookbooks, cool! -- I just found one at the library! I love the Spain series you did with friends...

It's Corned Beef Hash Day in America! After many many many moons I finally find the terribly jumbled stuff from our international move, I'll post my own favorite recipe which is phenomenal!

A picture from a fun blog about older stuff including a old recipe book from Hormel, :

Meanwhile, a thought: I don't like to serve normal corned beef hash super frequently because of dietary restrictions; is it possible to make another, more innocuous meat taste corned beefy? Like with Penzeys Spices' Corned Beef Spices? Though I think those are to cook already-corned-beef: . However, the same people do have spices that will make a healthier-than-usual homemade bratwurst at , or Polish sausage at , or a breakast sausage (though I like to make my own with sage), or an Italian (though I make my own with fennel seeds and chilies and other stuff) -- and others -- just do a search for sausage on their site.