July 19

A few thoughts from the young Anne of Green Gables on imagining (from Lucy Maud Montgomery's book):
I just feel tired of everything sensible and I'm going to let my imagination run riot for the summer....
 and about her room:
Bedrooms were made to sleep in...and dream in too....And you know one can dream so much better in a room where there are pretty things....Now I'm going to imagine things into this room so that they'll always stay imagined. The floor is covered with a white velvet carpet with pink roses all over it and there are pink silk curtains at the windows. The walls are hung with gold and silver brocade tapestry. The furniture is mahogany. I never saw any mahogany, but it does sound SO luxurious....
 and about her real room that turned out to be pretty too:
The floor was covered with a pretty matting, and the curtains that softened the high window and fluttered in the vagrant breezes were of pale-green art muslin. The walls, hung...with a dainty apple-blossom paper, were adorned with a few good pictures....White lilies faintly perfumed the room like the dream of a fragrance. There was no "mahogany furniture," but there was a white-painted bookcase filled with books, a cushioned wicker rocker, a toilet table befrilled with white muslin, a quaint gilt-framed mirror...
And to close...
Anne blew a couple of airy kisses from her fingertips past the cherry blossoms and then, with her chin in her hands, drifted luxuriously out on a sea of daydreams.
 and a photo of the author's actual view out a window of her home...

It's national Daiquiri Day! You can make them virgin if you'd prefer. Here's a recipe from one of my favorite food magazines, BBC Good Food: