September 11

O. Henry was born today in 1862. I like so many of his short stories.

The world's largest cave found so far, Hang Son Doong, in Vietnam, is incredibly beautiful:
See a National Geographic on this including a cool computer "model" of it including its forest somewhere deep inside (of course also with sunlight at that point, as you can see above) -- thanks to my son for finding this.

...And a word of deep sorrow and remembrance at the many acquaintances and friends we lost on this dark day that illustrates a certain insanity far too common on this planet. Love to those people, salt of the earth, whom we lost. And thank you very much to the many people doing all they can to prevent such an atrocity in the future.

What I have found comforting recently was gleaned from ideas from Martha's Calendar in Martha Stewart Living and from a site. Martha's Calendar 2012 says that she plans to pick raspberries and make preserves. I always find such work calming and comforting. There is something even more challenging and enthralling at . There is also a beautiful quote and photo at -- one of my favorite sites, in the sidebar.

The luncheon suggestion for today from 365 Luncheon Dishes (from 1902) is Corn Fritters. I love them with maple syrup! (Am I dreaming, or is this a repeat?? I think there's a national Corn Fritters Day somewhere sometime...)