June 21

One of the world's "book villages," a real or imaginary one. Redu is one in France...Hay-on-Wye is one in Wales...You can browse and relax all day, of course stopping for, oh, a croissant et café or a crumpet and tea, and later for a lovely full meal. I think one should stay the weekend, don't you? in a perfect bed and breakfast maybe. The Swan Hotel in Hay-on-Wye sounds gorgeous -- an old coach inn!
Redu's website is http://www.redu-villagedulivre.be/index.php

Today is national Peaches and Cream Day! I am completely crazy about Brown Cow's Peaches and Cream Yogurt with Cream Top. And how about trying a homemade facial today too?! Official site for Brown Cow: http://browncowfarm.com .