May 12

Dante Gabriel Rossetti was born today in 1828. He wrote and painted beautiful things. Here's part of one painting...

Edward Lear was born today in 1812! Later (of course!) he wrote, 
How pleasant to know Mr. Lear! 
Who has written such volumes of stuff!
Some think him ill-tempered and queer,
But a few think him pleasant enough.   

Enjoy some more of his "nonsense" today if you'd like! 

Florence Nightingale was born today too, in 1820.

Okay, not everyone would find this a wonderful place to dream in, but for me before I finally relocated to Civilization, it was a beautiful break from a country that had almost no food! Especially of the safe variety. It's based on a real place where I shopped years ago...

It's a grocery store! Not too big, but not too small. It's full of soothing-green signs and wooden shelves and handmade baskets, and more importantly is full of very fresh produce and other food. It smells heavenly. I feel like I'm buying valuable jewels, the vegetables are so beautifully colored, so fresh. I find things like bright red sweet peppers, fresh green sage leaves, a head of garlic, some salad greens and a few crispy apples and a wedge of cheese and a little container of marinated olives, and also some artisan European bread. That's just for the first night; I'll also pick up some delicious teas from Japan and a freshly made granola and a soft roll for breakfast...oh, and of course some of those beautiful cherry preserves...
from -- many thanks!