May 15

The author of The Wizard of Oz and many other books, Lyman Frank Baum, was born today in 1856! There's fascinating stuff at , including that one of his books used to come free with breakfast cereal! I wish books still came that way! Of course the guy had some serious flaws, but I still enjoy his books.

 A beautiful job: A Home Stager! She sets up homes for sale in a way that makes any potential buyer really identify with it, want it, etc.! How fun! Like designing the set of a movie, but in a real house! As I discuss in my post , you can think of your home as your own movie set too....My favorite blogger has this sort of career:
Her first picture shows me she is doing it right because as soon as I saw it, before I even read her post, I wanted to live in that place!

The luncheon suggestion for today from 365 Luncheon Dishes (from 1902) is a Puree of Dried Beans (they suggest boiling them with bay leaf, onion, carrot, and adding butter and milk as necessary when you drain and puree them).