May 16

I remember my days walking to work in Manhattan...and window-shopping Seaman-Schepps. Their jewelry is truly like a fairy tale or better. You can enjoy their pieces of art online, such as at where you can see vintage magazine covers featuring their treasures. Seeing beautiful things like this, and beautiful clothes, and beautiful homes, makes it easier for me to save up to get gorgeous stuff! Though I would be absolutely stunned if I could ever actually get this, it makes me very happy just knowing it exists!

It's Liberace's birthday! He was born in 1919. My big brother and I used to love watching him play; of course part of the attraction was enjoying his cool outfits. I  asked another favorite person of mine, a pianist, his favorite Youtube of Mr. Liberace, and he replied, "It's very difficult to pick a favorite video, but after much thought and careful deliberation I went with this one..." which happens to appear to be from near where a lot of people I love grew up, no wonder he's dressed in furs!