May 21

Happy birthday to Queen Elizabeth II!

A guest today! A dear friend of mine, very talented in so many ways. Her first post...

It's supposed to be a sunny grand day, and even more so tomorrow, 70 degrees :). And I have a great day ahead, the Master Gardeners' annual potluck at the park just down the road, I made deviled eggs to take, and I am taking a few divisions of plants from our yard which I worked on yesterday mostly, a couple coral bells, and a few irises that I had to divide and take out on the south side of our house, they multiply wonderfully, and were overcoming the front sedums and Russian Sage too completely. Will take some of those out to my dear friend's on the way to the park, she always has enjoyed seeing mine bloom on the stopsign spot. Then another friend invited another friend and me to attend the Mother-Daughter occasion that her workplace staff gives for them each spring, that's at 2. I just feel like the socialite who has fun 'stuff' filling her day :).